Adams a gay fag
You heard me adam. Anyways a good movie, loved it to george bush pezzdispernous.
Adams a gay fag
You heard me adam. Anyways a good movie, loved it to george bush pezzdispernous.
Yep expect this one on the front page
Very good, can't comment now though, im on my way to watch the first 2
Pretty cool
I especially liked the start of it, it had a really nice intro with the green water turning red. The only problem is that it is really short, perhaps you should create all the parts to the movie before releasing it?
Thanks for the review. I submutted this first part because i wanted to know if i was wasting my time working on it. If the only critisism i get for this is that it is too short i will continue.
Wow last guys review was harsh
I think that for a university class, this will probably actually work. Being in a new media class, I realize how bad most of the people are at that sort of stuff, and how your submission will probalbly be one of the better ones. The whole skateboarders will eat your babies bit was good. The guy who reviewed before me said "It might appeal to some hyperactive kid who hates skateboarding" uhmm no it wouldn't cuz thats who the flash is making fun off you conflagatory (yeah thats a made up word (i think)). Anyways I don't think this will do good on newgrounds, but im guessing your teacher will like it just fine.
Grrrrrrrrreat sound, and graphics
The whole time I was waiting for the game to start lol, this was mistakenly catagorized as a game on the portal page for some random reason. Pretty cool though. By the way, what was with the emrald thingy?
Wow I actually liked this.
Judging by the filesize when I saw it, I assumed that this would be real stupid and give me a blam point, but I actually liked it. Short and funny. The backgrounds were really weird and cool. Not sure if this will stick around though, i can forsee it getting blammed in the future, then again maybe not.
Have u seen gels 99k? That shit was great. And it was only 99k! That mans compressing abilities belong in a mental institution.
LoL the dialouge (dialogue?) from shadow was great
I liked the suprise ending, that was hilarious too. Short and Well animated and funny. Good job!
Good start
Now finish it!
Muchos Trippy
Would be very fun on drugs
To all You people who say BFM isnt as funny now..
you shutup, you shutup good or else ill poop on someones lawn and say it was you, some random person who i don't know writing reviews on the internet. Or ill call the cops on you or something
Born in spain i Moved to America at the age of 3 where i became a spy for MTV. I was injected into canadian soil in order to spy on their other agent Pauly Shore during the filming of the movie "biodome" when Pauly introduced me to Heroine AKA Adobe Flash
Age 38, Male
New Media Student
University of Lethbridge
Alberta Canada
Joined on 10/17/05